Monday, November 12, 2007

Problematic Child

As people grow older, there tend to be more responsibilities and burdens.. It is not up to me to say whether I wanna think about it or not because eventually I have to face reality.

Work wise, taking things one step at a time...

Emotionally, it's actually on a roller coaster....

Still not mapping things out clearly..Am I really thinking too much? Have I started to let it go? Recently, Many a times I'm starting to regret the things that I've done even though it is a very simple or small matter...Can't control myself la....

Sigh, Why can't things be simpler and easier for us to go through?Problems can just be solved with just a snap of the finger there and then...

Problems, it's everywhere and happening to everyone~~~


Received a SMS this afternoon..Was really touched as she remembered about my day and asked about the plans..Seriously, I've forgotten about it and seeing the SMS reminds me that I'm getting old~~Yikes....

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