Thursday, November 01, 2007

I need stronger Cement???

It's towards the end of the working week..
Wanna say this week passed by fast? Not really..
Wanna say it passed by slow? Not really too..
Maybe because there's work to do and the people around allowed me not to wonder too much about how soon can the week pass by..

Am actually amazed that I could just bottle up my feelings for the whole week (well, I mean for now la since it's Thursday) and not breaking down yet..

Well, Via the faithful MSN and meet ups, I complained.. Am sorta taking your advice but it's really hard..The cement just seems to slip away from the bricks at the moment. Maybe I should try 'ELEPHANT SUPERGLUE' instead!!

Seeing things that I feel I should not have, is killing me slowly...Maybe it's nothing and was just a simple gesture of care but yet, I felt the knife sorta sliced through the wound..The mind tends to wander off again to far far away land.. Imagining all sorts of scenes..Sigh, people just tend to think too much....

However, it's been a good week although there were lots to do.. As to how I faired on my behavior, I would say ok la, I guess..Not much of showing black faces (I think) but again, that's for others to judge..

2 Thermometers:

Unknown said...

Believe it or not, I understand when you say 'people tend to think too much', because I was and still 50% am. It's a difficult process to change how you want to react to matters... but sharing your feelings with someone else always helps, even if they can't help physically(because at the end of the day, it's your life). It's too early in the morning now, my mind is still blur, but what i'm trying to say is, slowly but surely, and pray about it, it helps. :) Gambatte~

Chin Sh'n said...

jase: True, at the end of the day, it's my life and gotta learn to let go at times lo..Thanks lotsa 4 ur support!!Appreciate it