Friday, October 12, 2007

This Special Man in my Life

Last night when I reached home, I was slightly grumpy..Maybe it is because I was super sleepy (bed time now very early liao) and tired and also because plans to go back mum's hometown is in a mess.. So, after asking my mum a few questions, I went back upstairs grumpily..Dad who was watching TV did not ask me much..

This morning, I sent a SMS to my dad wishing him 'Mornin and hugs' (been wanting to do that for some time but always delay)

Shortly after that, my dad called me up. Conversation as below (Campur Canto and English) :

Dad: Are you ok? What's wrong?

Me: Huh? Ok ar. What, what's wrong?

Dad: You suddenly send me this type of message. Scare me le..What's wrong?

Me: Haha...I'm ok la..Just feel like send then send la..

Dad: You sure you ok ar? Why yesterday so grumpy? Boyfriend problem ar?

Me: Aiyo, no la..I'm fine la..Just tired..I OK la..

Dad: Ok la then..

Therefore, that's the end of the conversation~~

Hehe.. Those who are close to me know that I share a very close and special bond with this man....Hehe...Thinking back of the conversation we had earlier, it's really funny..Never thought that this conversation would have taken place...

2 Thermometers:

~**福尔摩斯**~ said...

warm warm...

Chin Sh'n said...

Hehe..(Blush Blush)