Monday, July 02, 2007

5 reasons why I blog

Was invited by my sister, Jean to join this fun by stating 5 reasons why I blog. No idea why they called this invitation Meme but to keep the ball rolling and also thinking why not?, here goes:

1) Had always had the habit of writing a journal/ diary since young and got to know about blogging through a friend of mine. Thought that it was a pretty fun thing to do so I started blogging as well. However, when I first started, never really dare to write a lot about personal stuffs but as time goes by, it just flows out.

2) By writing, I have a better understanding of myself. Friends around would drop words. Be it encouragements or jokes or sarcasms and others but all of it would just make my day happier because I know they care.

3) Friends are always my angels but unfortunately, some of us can never get together often as in meeting up only once in a blue moon because of our hectic schedules. Therefore the only way I can still be connected with them and let them know how I'm doing is through blogging.

4) Sometimes I just do not feel like talking but would like to express myself so my loyal site comes in handy.

5) Come to realize that there are so many bloggers and around the world. This is truly fantastic as I could gain more knowledge and build another new network of friends.

Would like to pass this around to my friends and hope they'll enjoy it =)

Cheryl - My Groovy Life!
Xin Jie - 苹果X 香水
Ian - 看(oo)在胡思乱想
Eser - 想不透的世界
Jian Yi - 亿意声中
Kelly - 不酷侦探社

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