Lun's 23
Weather: Bright and Sunny
The start of the day was good..Feeling good myself too..Finally~~ I hope the weekend will be good as well cuz it's gonna be long but gotta work a while tomoro..Is okay..No probs..Am happy to be doing so with you tomoro =)
Had lunch with my cuzzy bro..Our relationship is not to say very close but yet close..haha..Anyways, whenever I was back in hometown when I was still schooling, we would hang out together especially during CNY.. As the years come by, we growing up and building our own lifes, we tend to grow further apart but anyhow, I try to keep in touch with him whenever I can..
Remembered the day I went to his Graduation 'Exhibition'..This boy can really draw since young and was really happy and proud of him when I saw his work =)
Today's his birthday!! Managed to have a short meal with him in Delicious, 1U and shared some personal stories together which we have never really done before. Glad that he trusted me enough to tell me the whole story..Hehe..Allowed me to know him more as a person too.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LUN~~~
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