Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Funny how things could turn out of order and control at times.. I've never liked to have plans altered.. It can; provided there are answers and decisions.. Liked I said previously, please learn to be responsible BUT it doesn't look like you've done that. What a sad thing that is...
If this continues to happen, then hopefully it'll turn out fine...
I thought that you had to do it but it doesn't look like you're doing it now..I know you're a professional in it. Hopefully you'll not disappoint me...Imagine you're in a situation whereby you can opt to be doing something else but because you have a sense of responsibilities, you choose to do it...
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
9:21 PM
This day shocked the whole world and caused lots to lose their loved ones and treasures. It has cause lots of pain and I believe especially us who are the same 'tong bao(s)' around the world.... This day means a lot to the people of CHINA.. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 on the richter scale which caused many lives in 3 'kampungs' in Sze Chuan...
I only started to pay attention to this news 2 days after it happened..Yes, sorry for the ignorance..When I saw the pictures and read about the news on it, my heart really went out to them..
Many small children's lives were gone... really heart-breaking. Good to know that people are starting to question and work on why all schools collapse... Imagine small kids who are saved BUT yet have to die in end due to loss of blood and having to amputate their leg with an AXE!!! Seeing the pictures and visions on the TV was really...................... My visions were also clouded...
Now, measures are taken and evacuation is being done because they are afraid that the dam will burst..Here is still praying for miracles to happen and A pat on the back should be given to this rescue mission because so far, they have and are doing a GOOD job..
Below is a song/video to give support to those in Sze Chuan...
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
11:55 AM
1 Thermometers
Friday, May 16, 2008
Here In My Home - Malaysian Artistes For Unity
Just wanna share with you guys and gals out there a video about being One People in a nation of many. This video was directed by well known Yasmin Ahmad and Ho Yuhang... The song, "Here In My Home" was written by Pete Teo and performed by about 100 charismatic volunteers like Afdlin Shauki, Harith Iskandar, Awie, Jason Lo, Reshmonu, Sheby Singh, Ning Baizura, the "Sepet" couple (Ng Choo Seong and Sharifah Amani), Maya Karin, Tony Fernandes, Reshmonu, Jaclyn Victor, Amber Chia and all other wonderful artistes. They sang and danced to this beautiful song and what you'll be seeing are Stars in their very own way performing...
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
4:19 PM
Lun's 23
Weather: Bright and Sunny
The start of the day was good..Feeling good myself too..Finally~~ I hope the weekend will be good as well cuz it's gonna be long but gotta work a while tomoro..Is okay..No probs..Am happy to be doing so with you tomoro =)
Had lunch with my cuzzy bro..Our relationship is not to say very close but yet close..haha..Anyways, whenever I was back in hometown when I was still schooling, we would hang out together especially during CNY.. As the years come by, we growing up and building our own lifes, we tend to grow further apart but anyhow, I try to keep in touch with him whenever I can..
Remembered the day I went to his Graduation 'Exhibition'..This boy can really draw since young and was really happy and proud of him when I saw his work =)
Today's his birthday!! Managed to have a short meal with him in Delicious, 1U and shared some personal stories together which we have never really done before. Glad that he trusted me enough to tell me the whole story..Hehe..Allowed me to know him more as a person too.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LUN~~~
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
2:59 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Weather: Sunny, stuffy
It is so true what is being said of you...I know and understand what you go through as well. We've mentioned that If we are not happy with things, we tell but so far, none is being heard of..but I know. Yea, Maybe I tend to think a lot but that's the way it is..Thought that at times, that is the way things are done but unfortunately, it isn't..Ha, this is life..Wish I know what is really going on in the head of yours but yet, maybe I'm afraid to know..
I finally know the reason to certain things..Is it necessary? If you want me to do it, then say so and out loud..So, should I do it or should I not after listening about it?...............................
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
4:44 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Weather: Super gloomy
Do you really know what I'm going through? Do you really think I want it that way? How am I suppose to tell you when it's not even easy for me? What can I do and does it help to let me know so much?
Why do you think I would think like that when I am not? You are there but yet not there when I needed you...Where have you gone????
You are killing me..Please just take a knife and stab it through my heart........................
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
10:04 AM
Friday, May 09, 2008
Mummy's Day
Come this weekend, it's time to celebrate Mummy's Day...I guess this year will be a year whereby we'll be having a simple meal together..I know that you've sacrifice lots for me and always helping me out although in a naggy tone (Well, all mums do that, I think)
You and I know that we do not chat much often but deep down we know how we feel, taking this opportunity to say I LOVE YOU, Mummy once again..
Have to remember that everyday should be Mummy and Daddy's Day!!!!
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
6:27 PM
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Happy Happy
It is always easier to advise your friends on how things should be done be it work related or personal problems but when we have to do it upon ourselves, it never seems right..
Anyhow, we go through the same matter at the same time with a slight difference la...You called and was really unhappy..I'm glad that you would actually turn to me..After listening to you, I gave you some feedback and asked you to try it because if I know if you do not try, you'll miss it and might regret it.. And at times, things cannot be left unattended for a long time...
After a while, you messaged me back telling me that things were better and the truth was made known..I was really happy for you..I know that you are a very strong person and always have your own opinion on certain matters and at times need people to put back some senses into you (Just joking)..Haha....Pretty glad that you took my advise and never expected that my advise was useful and worked!!! (Wish I was as strong and daring as you) Hahah....
Glad to hear what happened when you called and am looking forward for more yummy ones... Hopefully, things would turn out alright and even much better in the later days..Stay cheerful *Hugs*
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
7:11 PM
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Old Town's 1st Blog
A few of my friends always go to Old Town Cafe just to log onto the Internet and write blogs..I always wonder how the environment is to go online in cafes like that and today, I've experienced it..Today I've finally experiencing it and writing a piece of blog for the 1st time in Damansara Pelangi's Old Town Cafe...
I never ask, you never bothered to explain..There you go again, repeating history…Tired of it and since you wanna play it that way, nothing much can be done!!
You thought that I had it but I can safely say No but it doesn't matter much now as it is not doing much harm...
Usually in the morning, there are things that need to be looked into and recently, there are more things to be kept updated but due to certain circumstances, things have to be delayed because the 'thing' that is keeping alive nowadays is DEAD!!!! So sad…
To you, it might be a small matter but to others, it's important and will always be keeping you on toe.Please (at least) TRY to be more responsible and hold on to the things that are given to you more carefully..
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
5:20 PM
Monday, May 05, 2008
Been off track for some time..Somehow or rather, there were many things to write about but a bit lazy and not in the mood..
Well, I think so far, the very one thing that I really wanna write is that my car got "KISSED" again!!! Sigh....No idea why but for the past few months, he seems to have 'love' luck but I really gotta stop this from happening!!!! Was in SS2 going for dinner actually...Then while I was waiting for a parking space, my car was kissed nearby the rear wheel (Was actually blocking someone's car) But excuse me, didn't you check out your left ad right(s) before REVERSING????!!!!
After that, I parked my car properly..I was actually shaking slightly at that time although it was not my fault..Got down from the car to check it out and waited for the fella who banged my car to reverse his car and settle the problem..Well, he did reverse and I saw that he was an uncle (Maybe about 40 - 50 years old ++) together with his wife la (I think)...They were looking at me and vice versa and probably looking for a spot to stop but u know la, SS2 difficult...
Then the most UNEXPECTED thing happen!!! He turned out to the main road and me being naive at times, thought that he would U-Turn back or double park, get down from the car and settle a bit but MANA TAU, he left WITHOUT saying GOODBYE!!!
Lao We, what type of person is this?!?!?!?!?! Lao We, where's his sense of responsibilities ar?!?! I was actually quite pissed off but what can I do..Now, I've really experienced what is called "Hit & Run".. Really KNS..Wah Lao We!!!!!!
Therefore, dear friends, please keep try to remember this hit & run guy punya car and car plate number :
WLL 9367..
°C taken by
Chin Sh'n
5:55 PM