Thursday, March 06, 2008


Why do you take things for granted? Is it that if I do not ask, you do not act? And you'll just keep delaying it........

I've never had this type of challenge before. Yes, it's good to experience different type of scenarios but yet...Also, please understand that it's not my position to make decisions.

I understood where you're heading towards to but I'm still blur. I know what I did or am doing but does that mean it's full stop? Yet, it looks more like a comma....You come and go as you like.. Meaning?!?!?!

I never really like to think too much but this have occurred so often now that I'm really starting to feel tired..I never like to be down but it's occurring so often now.....I'm already an emotional person so why still treat me like that? My heart and brain's not working together anymore..Stop messing around please and Domo Arigato....

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