Last days in Guangzhou~~
China is the place for one to buy lots n lots of CDs..I personally went berserk seeing the price and chose really lots of CDs but in the end, cut down to about 15 pieces of CDs.. Haha..Half Price!! Ask me to buy in Malaysia, at times have to think twice..Apart from Mobi gang, Had fun and great time with Ah Ping, Lee Yin, Rick and CK. Hanging out with them was non-stop laughter ;)
Last day of performances ended in full blast with flowers and confettis..It was really a grand finishing for True Love and Black Monday. Flowers and confettis were a surprise to them. We who were actually working at that time, joined in the fun and acted as their 'fans'. Full support!!!Do not have a copy of the pictures cause the others have yet to burn a copy for me...Have to wait.. Time to say goodbyes to fellow friends from Guangzhou and after that, we had dinner with the performers. Bid our goodbyes and promised to keep in touch ;)Next stop was Hong Kong.. Madness!! Happyness!! SHOPPING PARADISE!!!!!! Bought some souvenirs and got myself a new pair of shoes but not enough time and $$$.. Aih, wait, I'll come back to you, Hong Kong!!!!
Last but not least, Happy Belated Birthday to Anna, Serene and Happy Birthday to Ah BE!!
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