Sunday, April 08, 2007


What is the feeling of being lost? How would you feel? Why lost? Has it been long term or recently? Some friends have always said to me: "Wah, you see you. You know what you wanna do but me, aih, still lost.."

However, especially recently, at times I feel that I am as lost as them..I'm starting to doubt myself and my decision..Maybe, just maybe because it is a new area of expertise or maybe it is just psychological...Many new things to learn and these learning processes is sometimes jelled with stress but I believe that this something is what I've always wanted to learn and do. Giving up is NOT and will NEVER be the solution cause I believe I'm still very determined to do it.

Never really been in this area of expertise.
Srewed up twice.
Being encouraged.
Being asked to relax.
Being told off nicely.
Being asked if my job is fun and would you still want to continue doing it? The answer is no doubt 'Yes'.

A thank you note to a few of you:

Thank you for giving me a chance.
Thank you for believing in me, Strawbery partners.
Thank you for being there when I screwed up and for the encouragements.
Thank you for STILL believing in me, being my mentor@ partner- teaching me to do things.
Thank you for accompanying me on the phone when I was about to fall asleep while driving back late at night/early morning ;p

Lost, I hope you'll be gone soon~~~~~~~~

4 Thermometers:

(oo) said...


Jasemaine said...

I guess being lost at some point and moment is perfectly natural, because it makes us think deep and thorough of what we really want and need deep down inside. Sometimes the road ahead seems bleak but just remember there are people around you ever ready to catch you and guide you through it lah. :)

Chin Sh'n said...
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Chin Sh'n said...

(oo): 哈哈,你自己慢慢猜。。

Jase: Yeah, luckily n thankfully got them and of cuz you too ;)