Christmas Blue
As mentioned, did not have much of a Christmas spirit this year. I took leave on Boxing day and was still in between if I can/want/would be able to go for the trip with my close friends.
Thank you Vin and Ah Oh for offering help and being so persistent. Am really really touched... I would love to go too. Enjoy and spend time with you guys as I felt it's been some time since we really spend time together. However, due to some work, I just could not afford to leave and I know it is not done, I will not be in peace and if like you guys said to bring the laptop along, I will still feel the burden. Go holiday, bring laptop, stress la..
I do not know how to explain to you about work and maybe at times I just do not want to explain. That is why few of you would keep asking the same question where I'll just entertain instead of giving the real reason. Maybe I'm just trying to avoid the matter cause it hurts and show that I do not really care.
To some others, they have their other half whereby I will not want to disturb. I know you all will say it's ok and do not be silly but yet.....(Still trying to improve on this matter)
Where's family you might ask..Well, mum's back in hometown. Wanted to go back but lazy in the end. Dad's working. Brother's sick and out at times..
Therefore, I had a total of 5 days holidays all by myself. Complains? I guess not as I get to really rest. Spent all my days at home, hogging the TV and laptop, doing work ( at least doing work at home feels less stressful) and preparing the remaining X'Mas presents..
True enough, I do feel bored and frustrated at times as I would feel that so difficult only could have so many days free but none of you are around....Sigh but what is there to complain?? Each have their own life and decisions..Also, maybe it is time for me to spend some time alone too..Doing what I want to do and like said, really rest..
Just ranting I guess..Now maybe I know what's the real cause of me having Christmas blues and being a Scrooge this year.....