Happy Chinese New Year!! Another year of red packets and questions asked about when are you bringing ur someone special back?? Sigh... Every year it is getting more and more quiet with the lack of fire crackers and fieworks. There still are some though but not as fun as yesteryears ;)
Took Milo back home to my grandma's place and this time, he followed me instead of my dad. Funny dog..wanna know why? look at the pic [He's actuli sleeping ;)] haha... "My Niece and Nephews"
This year I'm more of a good girl whereby I spent most of my time in my grandma's house instead of going out with my cousins. Maybe because I've been working and staying up til late so took this time to really rest. The feeling was really great. Now I know why people always say after working, it's good to stay at home. Spent some quality time with family, cousins, nephews and nieces though. Had dinner and movie with them. Great feeling and fun =D "During"
Been a pig for the last 12 days of CNY..Still gonna be til the end of CNY cuz more dinners are coming up..Diet after that la..haha =P
2 Thermometers:
yerrrrrrrrrrrrr milo so cute!!!!!!!!! :)
haha...yeah i soo totally agree with you..Love those pic actuli ;)
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